Deuteronomy in a Nutshell


The book of Deuteronomy is the fifth book of the Bible and the last book of the Torah. It tells the story of Israel's escape from slavery in Egypt, their year at Mount Sinai, and their journey to the Jordan River. The book begins with a speech by Moses, which is divided into three sections. The first part highlights Israel's rebellion and resistance, while the second part challenges them to be different from their parents and respond to God's grace with love and obedience.

Moses begins with a somber tone, highlighting Israel's rebellion and resistance for forty years. He challenges the new generation to be different from their parents and respond to God's grace with love and obedience. Moses reminds them of the ten commandments and the famous line: "Listen, oh Israel, the LORD is our God, the LORD alone. Love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength." This line, from Deuteronomy 6:4-9, is called the Shema in Jewish tradition, emphasizes the Israelite's exclusive commitment to their God, the one true God who saved them from slavery.

The word "listen" in Hebrew means more than just hearing sound waves; it includes responding to what you hear. For Israel, this means obeying God's grace by obeying the laws of the covenant. Love is the true motivation for obeying the laws, and Israel will not truly love if they don't obey. The connection between love and obedience runs throughout the book, as Moses tells them that if they obey and love Jehovah, their God, they will fulfill their original calling as the family of Abraham and become a blessing to the nations. 

The second big section of Deuteronomy is a large block of laws and commands, which are called "second laws," and this is where book of Deuteronomy gets its name. These laws cover various aspects of Israel's worship, leadership structure, social justice, and more. And finally, Moses warns Israel of the consequences of their actions and encourages them to obey God's laws, become a blessing as an example to the nations, and live a life of love and justice.

Free Bible Students, ©CDMI


The Bible in a Nutshell Series

Hebrew Scriptures

(Old Testament Books)

Greek Scriptures

(New Testament Books)

Outline of the Book of Deuteronomy

I. Introduction, 1:1-5

II. Recapitulation of Israel’s Wanderings: Historical, 1:6-4:43

III. Rehearsal of Israel’s Law: Legal, 4:44-26:19

IV. Ratification of Israel’s Covenant, 27:1-30:20

V. Conclusion, 31:1-34:12