Our All-Seeing God

“Jehovah looks from the heavens; He beholds all the sons of men.”  “All things are naked and laid bare to his eyes, with whom we have to do.” Psalm 33: 13; Hebrews 4: 13 – Darby Trans).

A man planned to steal squashes from someone's front garden. He stood his small daughter on the garden wall with the instruction to watch and see if anyone was coming. A moment later he looked up and asked, "Is anyone coming?"  "No, no one, Daddy." "Did you look in both directions?"  "Yes!" "And behind you at the fields on the other side?" - "Yes, but..."

"But what?"  "There was one place where I didn't dare to look."  "Where? I told you to look everywhere." - "Up there at the sky. Can't God see us, Daddy?" The man stopped short. He was conscience-stricken. He thought for a moment, then took the child down from the wall and went home. The squashes stayed where they were.

God can easily use a child to teach the parents. That small girl was wiser than her father, who imagined no one could see him. He had forgotten that the Living and True God sees and knows everything. Nothing is hidden from His eyes. The girl did her father a great service in reminding him of that fact. And the father had every reason to fear God, for Holy Scripture states: "The fear of Jehovah is the beginning of wisdom" and "The fear of Jehovah is to hate evil" (Proverbs 9:10; 8:13).

Whether we like it or not, God's all-seeing eyes are constantly watching us. For one with a bad conscience that is unbearable. There is only one way out of this predicament; live according to God's will.

                                                                         H.F.Ofner  ©CDMI