The Authority of Divine Truth

Divine truth comes to us with all the authority of its Divine Author. With a gentle dignity consistent with its noble character, it urges its claims upon the reason, judgment, and conscience of men, and then leaves them free moral agents, to accept or reject with the same moral force of inherent worth, imbued with the spirit of the authoritative message they bear - the spirit of holiness and truth.

Thus our Lord Jesus, the Messenger of the Divine Covenant, was “holy, harmless, and undefiled and separate from sinners.” The prophets were holy men who spoke and wrote as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. And the Apostles were holy men chosen of God and charged with Divine testimony. So also all those called of God to preach the good tidings have this anointing of the Holy Spirit of God (Isa. 61:1- 3; Luke 5:16-21) as their necessary preparation for this service. Without this anointing, they are but as “sounding brass and tinkling cymbals,” having no commission from God to declare His Truth. Only those who have the anointing of the Spirit of Truth have any commission from God to preach the truth to others. Divine Truth, flows from the fountain of truth, God Himself, “who is Light, and in whom is no darkness at all” (1 John 1:5). Divine Truth to us through the appointed channel of God’s Word and declared by His faithful followers imbued with His Spirit, conveys a moral and logical power proving its authority and enforcing it with an emphasis which carries a warning which says, “Take heed how you hear” (Luke 8:18).

The messages of Divine truth are conveyed to us through our Lord Jesus and His holy Apostles, and which is sometimes called to our attention by such members of the anointed body as God has set in the Church to be pastors, teachers, and even feeble members. These are not therefore subjects for mere idle consideration and human speculation and dispute. They are not common themes for reckless handling with irreverent hands - they are the eternal principles of truth and righteousness.

They are the oracles of God and the principles of His holy law. They come with a quiet insistence, demanding our candid, serious and careful consideration of their claims upon us. In view of the fact of a coming time in which these principles shall surely triumph, obedience is obviously the better choice since it will bring life everlasting.

Used by permission of Bible Student Monthly Magazine