
Labor Day

When we consider our wonderful country with its God given beauty and abundance, we should be moved, knowing in our hearts that we are blessed. When we consider our nation's holidays and ...

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The Kingdoms  of this World

Earthly governments are controlled by the men or women who have gained their position by convincing their colleagues, as well as the people, that they have the wisdom to govern well the country...

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Preaching the Whole Gospel

For more than a century, through the working of His Spirit, God has given the truth about the New Covenant and the Mediator, Jesus, and thus again tied the unity of the love of Christ to the ...

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Is homosexuality a choice, or are homosexuals born that way?

Research indicates that homosexuality is a very complex issue. It is a condition that scientists refer to as being “multifactorial” – that is, there are many factors that can contribute to ...

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General interest articles in The New Creation Magazine cover a wide range of topics that aim to inspire, educate, and engage readers in their Christian faith journey. These articles can vary in focus but generally address issues related to living out Christian values, deepening spiritual understanding, and applying faith to everyday life. Here are some common themes and topics you might find:

1. Christian Living

2. Inspirational Stories and Testimonies

3. Family and Relationships

4. Church Life and Ministry

5. Culture and Society

6. Current Events and News

7. Health and Well-being

8. Interviews and Profiles

9. Devotionals and Reflections

10. Christian Arts and Entertainment

Read the Bible

Why Is It Important To Read and Know The Bible? Very few people understand the great importance of reading and knowing the Bible. Throughout the Bible God continually requests and admonishes us to ...

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Listening to the Master’s Voice

The uniqueness of a human voice is universally experienced. A close friend or family member may phone and speak but a few words before we know exactly who it is. The unique cadence, pitch, inflection ...

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Why Is It More Blessed to Give Than to Receive?

The answer to this question could simply be, "this is what Jesus said, (quoted in Acts 20:15), and His word is Truth." This saying is indeed a great truth, where God Himself is the source of ...

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In His Steps

In All Things Jesus Manifested the Father Jesus was "Emmanuel, God with us." He came to reveal God to men. He could tell His disciples that in seeing and hearing Him they had thereby seen and heard ...

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The Firefly Minister

When I was a child, my parents and I visited one of my mother's sisters and her family in Bloomington, Indiana. One warm evening l remember experiencing the joy of seeing hundreds and hundreds...

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Straying in the Darkness

I was cruising along one fine day with the phrase ―”Strayin‘ into darkness” be-bopping around my cranium, when I began thinking about that peculiar word stray. The first example that popped ...

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Lasting Monument

How will your life be remembered? Will it evoke memories of a life lived for Christ and love for the family of God? Will you leave a legacy that your children will follow and remember long ...

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Debtors to His Marvelous Grace

Debtors to His Marvelous Grace "By grace are you saved through faith." - Eph. 2:8 The greatest exhibit of God's wonder working grace will be the glorified Church. No other manifestation of...

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Fear - A Gift from Satan

"Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves. Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the ...

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Your greatest opportunity and responsibility is not so much the making of a living as it is the making of a life. Whatever else one may accomplish in life, you have failed if you do not make yours an ...

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Trust And Focus

There is continual testing in the life of faith. Our response to testing shapes our faith, as Israel's forty-years exodus illustrates. The wilderness testing of two generations produced different ...

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The Rearview Mirror

There are things about the past worth remembering. What is it we say of those who don’t study history? They are destined to repeat it! The Bible frequently counsels us to remember the faithfulness...

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The Authority of Divine Truth

Divine truth comes to us with all the authority of its Divine Author. With a gentle dignity consistent with its noble character, it urges its claims upon the reason, judgment, and conscience of men, ...

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Wells of Water

“Jesus answered and said unto her, ‘Whosoever drinks of this water shall thirst again: But whosoever drinks of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall ...

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That the Works of God May be Displayed

At one point, as they were walking together with the Lord, the disciples took the opportunity to ask a question they had and one which is often asked today. “Why are certain people struck ...

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Thy Word in my Heart

“Thy Word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against Thee.” Psalm 119:11 “Church history tells of a time when the Bible was forbidden to the people. It was buried in dead languages, ...

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“It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord” - Psalm 92:1. So said one in olden times, and truthfully so since it must be recognized that it is from our God that all blessings flow. God’s ...

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Being A Difference Maker

One thing that stands out to me about the Apostle Paul was his thoughtful consideration to make a difference rather than making a point. Paul obviously had a rich background in Jewish religion ...

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How Much of Thy Word Is Hidden In My Heart?

How Much of Thy Word Is Hidden In My Heart? “Thy Word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against Thee.” Psalm 119:11 “Church history tells of a time when the Bible was ...

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How saying “Amen” could be hurting your Christian walk

Whether it was after praying over a meal or praying in public, from our youth many of us were taught to finish a prayer with amen. That custom followed us to our prayers that we would have in ...

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