
On Being a Good Citizen

Christians, like Republicans and Democrats, are often themselves divided on political issues. But Christians are even more fundamentally divided on whether scripture teaches that they are to be involved in politics or not. I for one understand the scriptures to teach that I am not to be involved in this world’s politics, and I present following some of the scriptures, and reasonings on them, that support this view.

Phil 3:20a, 4:1b;For our citizenship is in heaven….so stand fast in the Lord, beloved”. This plainly states to me that my citizenship is in heaven. It is not one this earth. Nor is it in heaven and on the earth; a dual citizenship. It is strictly in heaven. Gal 6:14 states in part, “the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.” Clearly the world and I are to be dead to each. There is to be no common ground between us. Jas 4:4 says further, “Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.” I cannot afford to be a “friend” to the world, and thereby loose my relationship with God.

Eph 2:19; “Now therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners (from God’s viewpoint), but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God”. Again I clearly see that my citizenship is with the saints and members of the household of God.

     This citizenship and household have nothing to do with promoting or supporting any conditions on earth. Continuing with 2 Pet 2:9-11; “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people (and therefore no people of any other nation), that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness (of living in this world) into His marvelous light (of living in His presence); who once were not a people (recognized by God), but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy. Beloved, I beg you as sojourners and pilgrims (on this earth), abstain from fleshly lusts (of the earthly body) which war against the soul (the being of the new spiritual creature).”

2 Cor 5:20; “Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us; we implore you on Christ’s behalf; be reconciled to God.”

     As in the preceding verses, I now have the ministry of reconciliation that God began. This is to be my sole relationship with the world. As such, I am to be only an ambassador of Christ for God’s kingdom. Thus where I live (in the world), I am to represent the country and government who have sent me here. The country is the Kingdom of Heaven, and the government is God’s, with Christ as His charge ‘d affairs. As an ambassador, I bring to the citizens of the earth the good news concerning my country, and how they can be at peace with my country and it’s ruler. I do not enter into their political process to try to change it to be as mine. I do not vote in their elections. I represent my country and government who have sent me here in order to draw others to want to become citizens of my country, and to learn to live in my country, and not the reverse.

     An extension of why I am not now involved in the politics of this world is that I am striving for a position in the spiritual government of God when it is set up over earth to reconcile mankind with Him. That heavenly citizenship is available to me now, and it remains with me into the reality of His kingdom. Since that is my goal, it is also my current and permanent citizenship. If I try to be a citizen of this world, or of any country of this world, I can have no connection with the kingdom of God.

     All who would become reconcilers of the rest of mankind in the kingdom will find it necessary that their citizenship is also in heaven now. This is not a decision to be put off into the future. Too many of those who believe they can do that, or that they can hold dual citizenship will find themselves among those of Mt 7:21-23 who have no entrance into the ruling part of the kingdom. I urge all who would be reconcilers with God to become exclusive and good citizens of His kingdom now.


( The views above do not necessarily reflect the view of all CDMI member.)