Matthew's Gospel in a Nutshell

The Gospel according to Matthew is one of the earliest accounts of Jesus of Nazareth, detailing his life, death, and resurrection. Though the book is anonymous, tradition attributes it to Matthew, a tax collector and one of Jesus' twelve apostles. Matthew's Gospel aims to show Jesus as the fulfillment of the Old Testament, the Messiah from David's line, a new authoritative teacher like Moses.
The book is structured with an introduction, a conclusion, and five main sections, each ending with a block of Jesus' teachings. Matthew's Gospel begins by linking Jesus' genealogy to David and Abraham, emphasizing his divine conception and role as Immanuel (meaning "God with us" in Hebrew). Matthew parallels Jesus with Moses, showing Jesus' baptism, wilderness experience, and teaching the crowds, positioning him as a new Moses who delivers divine teachings and saves people from sin.
Then, Jesus announces God's Kingdom, confronts evil, and forms a new community of followers. His Sermon on the Mount outlines the values of this "upside-down kingdom" with no privileged members, where "all," both rich and poor, are equally invited to follow him. Jesus' miracles and teachings demonstrate the Kingdom's power, and he sends out his disciples to continue his work.
The narrative shows mixed responses to Jesus: acceptance by many, especially the marginalized, and rejection by Israel's religious leaders. Jesus teaches in parables to explain these varied reactions and the Kingdom's ultimate value. He predicts his suffering and death, aligning with Isaiah's prophecy of a suffering servant.
Jesus' entry into Jerusalem and actions in the temple challenge the religious leaders, leading to his arrest and crucifixion. Matthew emphasizes Old Testament prophecies to show Jesus' death as a fulfillment, not a failure. The Gospel concludes with Jesus' resurrection, the Great Commission to spread his teachings, and his promise to be with his followers until his return.
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Outline of the Gospel according to Matthew
I. The Person of the King, 1:1-4:25
A. His Background, 1:1-17
B. His Birth, 1:18-2:23
1. The announcement of the birth, 1:18-25
2. The adoration of the baby, 2:1-12
3. The advancement of the boy, 2:13-23
C. His Baptism, 3:1-17
D. His Temptation, 4:1-11
E. His Inauguration, 4:12-25
II. The Preaching of the King, 5:1-7:29
A. The Picture of Kingdom Life, 5:1-16
B. The Precepts for Kingdom Life, 5:17-48
1. The law of Moses, 5:17-20
2. The law of murder, 5:21-22
3. The law of reconciliation, 5:23-26
4. The law of adultery, 5:27-30
5. The law of divorce, 5:31-32
6. The law of oaths, 5:33-37
7. The law of nonresistance, 5:38-42
8. The law of love, 5:43-48
C. The Practice of Kingdom Life, 6:1-7:12
1. In relation to almsgiving, 6:1-4
2. In relation to prayer, 6:5-15
3. In relation to fasting, 6:16-18
4. In relation to money, 6:19-24
5. In relation to anxiety, 6:25-34
6. In relation to judging, 7:1-5
7. In relation to prudence, 7:6
8. In relation to prayer, 7:7-11
9. In relation to others, 7:12
D. The Proof of Kingdom Life, 7:13-29
III. The Proof of the King, 8:1-9:38
A. Exhibit 1: Power, 8:1-34
1. Power over defilement, 8:1-4
2. Power over distance, 8:5-13
3. Power over disease, 8:14-17
4. Power over disciples, 8:18-22
5. Power over the deep, 8:23-27
6. Power over demons, 8:28-34
B. Exhibit 2: Pardon, 9:1-17
1. Pardon of a paralytic, 9:1-8
2. Pardon of a tax collector, 9:9-13
3. Problem concerning fasting, 9:14-17
C. Exhibit 3: Power, 9:18-38
1. Power over death, 9:18-26
2. Power over darkness, 9:27-31
3. Power over dumbness, 9:32-34
4. Power over disease, 9:35
5. Pity on the people, 9:36-38
IV. The Program of the King, 10:1-16:12
A. The Program Announced, 10:1-11:1
B. The Program Attested, 11:2-12:50
1. By comforting John’s disciples, Matt 11:2-19
2. By condemning the cities, 11:20-24
3. By calling all to Himself, 11:25-30
4. By controversies over the Sabbath, 12:1-14
5. By condemnation of the Pharisees (the unpardonable sin), 12:15-37
6. By certain signs, 12:38-45
7. By changed relationships, 12:46-50
C. The Program Altered, 13:1-52
1. The sower, 13:1-23
2. The wheat and the tares, 13:24-30
3. The mustard seed, 13:31-32
4. The leaven, 13:33
5. The wheat and the tares, 13:34-43
6. The hidden treasure, 13:44
7. The pearl of great price, 13:45-46
8. The net, 13:47-50
9. The householder, 13:51-52
D. The Program Attacked, 13:53-16:12
1. Attack by His own townspeople, 13:53-58
2. Attack by Herod, followed by miracles (five thousand fed and Jesus walks on water), 14:1-36
3. Attack by the scribes and Pharisees, followed by miracles (Syrophoenician woman’s daughter healed and four thousand fed), 15:1-39
4. Attack by the Pharisees and Sadducees, 16:1-12
V. The Pedagogy of the King, 16:13-20:28
A. Concerning His Church (Peter’s Confession of Faith), 16:13-20
B. Concerning His Death, 16:21-28
C. Concerning His Glory (the Transfiguration), 17:1-21
D. Concerning His Betrayal, 17:22-23
E. Concerning Taxes, 17:24-27
F. Concerning Humility, 18:1-35
1. Illustrated in childlike faith, 18:1-6
2. Illustrated in concern for the lost, 18:7-14
3. Illustrated in church discipline, 18:15-20
4. Illustrated in continual forgiveness, 18:21-35
G. Concerning Human Problems, 19:1-26
1. Physical problems, 19:1-2
2. Divorce and remarriage, 19:3-12
3. Children, 19:13-15
4. Wealth, 19:16-26
H. Concerning the Kingdom, 19:27-20:28
1. Rewards in the kingdom, 19:27-30
2. Recognition in the kingdom, 20:1-16
3. Rank in the kingdom, 20:17-28
VI. The Presentation of the King, 20:29-23:39
A. The Power of the King, 20:29-34
B. The Presentation of the King, 21:1-11
C. The Purification by the King, 21:12-17
D. The Cursing of the Fig Tree, 21:18-22
E. The Challenge to the King, 21:23-27
F. The Parables of the King, 21:28-22:14
1. The rebellion of the nation, 21:28-32
2. The retribution on the nation, 21:33-46
3. The rejection of the nation, 22:1-14
G. The Pronouncements of the King, 22:15-23:39
1. In answer to the Herodians, 22:15-22
2. In answer to the Sadducees, 22:23-33
3. In answer to the Pharisees, 22:34-40
4. In questioning the Pharisees, 22:41-46
5. Concerning the Pharisees, 23:1-36
6. Concerning Jerusalem, 23:37-39
VII. The Predictions of the King, 24:1-25:46
A. The Destruction of the Temple, 24:1-2
B. The Disciples’ Questions, 24:3
C. The Signs of the End of the Age, 24:4-28
D. The Sign of His Coming, 24:29-31
E. The Illustrations, 24:32-25:46
1. The fig tree, 24:32-35
2. The days of Noah, 24:36-39
3. The two, 24:40-41
4. The faithful householder, 24:42-44
5. The wise slave, 24:45-51
6. The ten virgins, 25:1-13
7. The talents, 25:14-30
8. The judgment of Gentiles, 25:31-46
VIII. The Passion of the King, 26:1-27:66
A. The Preparation, 26:1-16
B. The Passover, 26:17-30
C. The Betrayal, 26:31-56
D. The Hearings, 26:57-27:26
1. Before the high priest, 26:57-75
2. Before the Sanhedrin, 27:1-10
3. Before Pilate, 27:11-26
E. The Crucifixion, 27:27-66
1. The preliminaries, 27:27-44
2. The death, 27:45-56
3. The burial, 27:57-66
IX. The Power of the King, 28:1-20
A. The Conquest, 28:1-10
B. The Conspiracy, 28:11-15
C. The Commission, 28:16-20