Matthew's Gospel in a Nutshell


The Gospel according to Matthew is one of the earliest accounts of Jesus of Nazareth, detailing his life, death, and resurrection. ​ Though the book is anonymous, tradition attributes it to Matthew, a tax collector and one of Jesus' twelve apostles. ​ Matthew's Gospel aims to show Jesus as the fulfillment of the Old Testament, the Messiah from David's line, a new authoritative teacher like Moses. ​

The book is structured with an introduction, a conclusion, and five main sections, each ending with a block of Jesus' teachings. ​ Matthew's Gospel begins by linking Jesus' genealogy to David and Abraham, emphasizing his divine conception and role as Immanuel  (meaning "God with us" in Hebrew). ​ Matthew parallels Jesus with Moses, showing Jesus' baptism, wilderness experience, and teaching the crowds, positioning him as a new Moses who delivers divine teachings and saves people from sin. ​

Then, Jesus announces God's Kingdom, confronts evil, and forms a new community of followers. His Sermon on the Mount outlines the values of this "upside-down kingdom" with no privileged members, where "all," both rich and poor, are equally invited to follow him. ​ Jesus' miracles and teachings demonstrate the Kingdom's power, and he sends out his disciples to continue his work. ​

The narrative shows mixed responses to Jesus: acceptance by many, especially the marginalized, and rejection by Israel's religious leaders. ​ Jesus teaches in parables to explain these varied reactions and the Kingdom's ultimate value. ​ He predicts his suffering and death, aligning with Isaiah's prophecy of a suffering servant. ​

Jesus' entry into Jerusalem and actions in the temple challenge the religious leaders, leading to his arrest and crucifixion. ​ Matthew emphasizes Old Testament prophecies to show Jesus' death as a fulfillment, not a failure. ​ The Gospel concludes with Jesus' resurrection, the Great Commission to spread his teachings, and his promise to be with his followers until his return. 

Free Bible Students, ©CDMI


The Bible in a Nutshell Series

Hebrew Scriptures

(Old Testament Books)

Greek Scriptures

(New Testament Books)

Outline of the Gospel according to Matthew

I.  The Person of the King, 1:1-4:25 

   A.  His Background, 1:1-17 

   B.  His Birth, 1:18-2:23 

      1.  The announcement of the birth, 1:18-25 

      2.  The adoration of the baby, 2:1-12 

      3.  The advancement of the boy, 2:13-23 

   C.  His Baptism, 3:1-17 

   D.  His Temptation, 4:1-11 

   E.  His Inauguration, 4:12-25 

 II.  The Preaching of the King, 5:1-7:29 

   A.  The Picture of Kingdom Life, 5:1-16 

   B.  The Precepts for Kingdom Life, 5:17-48 

      1.  The law of Moses, 5:17-20 

      2.  The law of murder, 5:21-22 

      3.  The law of reconciliation, 5:23-26 

      4.  The law of adultery, 5:27-30 

      5.  The law of divorce, 5:31-32 

      6.  The law of oaths, 5:33-37 

      7.  The law of nonresistance, 5:38-42 

      8.  The law of love, 5:43-48 

   C.  The Practice of Kingdom Life, 6:1-7:12 

      1.  In relation to almsgiving, 6:1-4 

      2.  In relation to prayer, 6:5-15 

      3.  In relation to fasting, 6:16-18 

      4.  In relation to money, 6:19-24 

      5.  In relation to anxiety, 6:25-34 

      6.  In relation to judging, 7:1-5 

      7.  In relation to prudence, 7:6 

      8.  In relation to prayer, 7:7-11 

      9.  In relation to others, 7:12 

   D.  The Proof of Kingdom Life, 7:13-29 

III.  The Proof of the King, 8:1-9:38 

   A.  Exhibit 1: Power, 8:1-34 

      1.  Power over defilement, 8:1-4 

      2.  Power over distance, 8:5-13 

      3.  Power over disease, 8:14-17 

      4.  Power over disciples, 8:18-22 

      5.  Power over the deep, 8:23-27 

      6.  Power over demons, 8:28-34 

   B.  Exhibit 2: Pardon, 9:1-17 

      1.  Pardon of a paralytic, 9:1-8 

      2.  Pardon of a tax collector, 9:9-13 

      3.  Problem concerning fasting, 9:14-17 

   C.  Exhibit 3: Power, 9:18-38 

      1.  Power over death, 9:18-26 

      2.  Power over darkness, 9:27-31 

      3.  Power over dumbness, 9:32-34 

      4.  Power over disease, 9:35 

      5.  Pity on the people, 9:36-38 

IV.  The Program of the King, 10:1-16:12 

   A.  The Program Announced, 10:1-11:1 

   B.  The Program Attested, 11:2-12:50 

      1.  By comforting John’s disciples, Matt 11:2-19 

      2.  By condemning the cities, 11:20-24 

      3.  By calling all to Himself, 11:25-30 

      4.  By controversies over the Sabbath, 12:1-14 

      5.  By condemnation of the Pharisees (the unpardonable sin),  12:15-37 

      6.  By certain signs, 12:38-45 

      7.  By changed relationships, 12:46-50 

   C.  The Program Altered, 13:1-52 

      1.  The sower, 13:1-23 

      2.  The wheat and the tares, 13:24-30 

      3.  The mustard seed, 13:31-32 

       4.  The leaven, 13:33 

      5.  The wheat and the tares, 13:34-43 

      6.  The hidden treasure, 13:44 

      7.  The pearl of great price, 13:45-46 

      8.  The net, 13:47-50 

      9.  The householder, 13:51-52 

   D.  The Program Attacked, 13:53-16:12 

      1.  Attack by His own townspeople, 13:53-58 

      2.  Attack by Herod, followed by miracles (five thousand fed and Jesus walks on water), 14:1-36 

      3.  Attack by the scribes and Pharisees, followed by miracles (Syrophoenician woman’s daughter healed and four thousand fed),  15:1-39 

      4.  Attack by the Pharisees and Sadducees, 16:1-12 



V.  The Pedagogy of the King, 16:13-20:28 

   A.  Concerning His Church (Peter’s Confession of Faith),  16:13-20 

   B.  Concerning His Death, 16:21-28 

   C.  Concerning His Glory (the Transfiguration), 17:1-21 

   D.  Concerning His Betrayal, 17:22-23 

   E.  Concerning Taxes, 17:24-27 

   F.  Concerning Humility, 18:1-35 

      1.  Illustrated in childlike faith, 18:1-6 

      2.  Illustrated in concern for the lost, 18:7-14 

      3.  Illustrated in church discipline, 18:15-20 

      4.  Illustrated in continual forgiveness, 18:21-35 

   G.  Concerning Human Problems, 19:1-26 

      1.  Physical problems, 19:1-2 

      2.  Divorce and remarriage, 19:3-12 

      3.  Children, 19:13-15 

      4.  Wealth, 19:16-26 

   H.  Concerning the Kingdom, 19:27-20:28 

      1.  Rewards in the kingdom, 19:27-30 

      2.  Recognition in the kingdom, 20:1-16 

      3.  Rank in the kingdom, 20:17-28 

VI.  The Presentation of the King, 20:29-23:39 

   A.  The Power of the King, 20:29-34 

   B.  The Presentation of the King, 21:1-11 

   C.  The Purification by the King, 21:12-17 

   D.  The Cursing of the Fig Tree, 21:18-22 

   E.  The Challenge to the King, 21:23-27 

   F.  The Parables of the King, 21:28-22:14 

      1.  The rebellion of the nation, 21:28-32 

      2.  The retribution on the nation, 21:33-46 

      3.  The rejection of the nation, 22:1-14 

   G.  The Pronouncements of the King, 22:15-23:39 

      1.  In answer to the Herodians, 22:15-22 

      2.  In answer to the Sadducees, 22:23-33 

      3.  In answer to the Pharisees, 22:34-40 

       4.  In questioning the Pharisees, 22:41-46 

      5.  Concerning the Pharisees, 23:1-36 

      6.  Concerning Jerusalem, 23:37-39 

VII.  The Predictions of the King, 24:1-25:46 

   A.  The Destruction of the Temple, 24:1-2 

   B.  The Disciples’ Questions, 24:3 

   C.  The Signs of the End of the Age, 24:4-28 

   D.  The Sign of His Coming, 24:29-31 

   E.  The Illustrations, 24:32-25:46 

      1.  The fig tree, 24:32-35 

      2.  The days of Noah, 24:36-39 

      3.  The two, 24:40-41 

      4.  The faithful householder, 24:42-44 

      5.  The wise slave, 24:45-51 

      6.  The ten virgins, 25:1-13 

      7.  The talents, 25:14-30 

      8.  The judgment of Gentiles, 25:31-46 

VIII.  The Passion of the King, 26:1-27:66 

   A.  The Preparation, 26:1-16 

   B.  The Passover, 26:17-30 

   C.  The Betrayal, 26:31-56 

   D.  The Hearings, 26:57-27:26 

      1.  Before the high priest, 26:57-75 

      2.  Before the Sanhedrin, 27:1-10 

      3.  Before Pilate, 27:11-26 

   E.  The Crucifixion, 27:27-66 

      1.  The preliminaries, 27:27-44 

      2.  The death, 27:45-56 

      3.  The burial, 27:57-66 

IX.  The Power of the King, 28:1-20 

   A.  The Conquest, 28:1-10 

   B.  The Conspiracy, 28:11-15 

   C.  The Commission, 28:16-20