Questions For Christians

If all good people go to heaven when they die, why does the Bible say that "David is not ascended to heaven" (Acts 2:34), but that he "is both dead and buried, and his sepulcher is with us unto this day" (Acts 2:29)?

Why do people say that they will be taken up to heaven to be with Jesus when they die, when the Bible teaches that no one has ever ascended to heaven except Jesus Christ and that no one could go where he was going (heaven - John 3:13, 7:34 and 13:33)?

If good people go to their reward in heaven when they die, why did Paul, before he died, say, "I have finished the race ... henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord ... shall give me at that day and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing" (2 Timothy 4-8)?

If the good receive their reward immediately at death, did the angel lie when he said to Daniel, "Go your way until the end. You will rest, and then at the end of the days you will rise to receive your allotted inheritance” (Daniel 12:13)?

If we are all immortal souls, able to live forever, why did Jesus say, "l am come that they might have life" (John 10:10); Paul says, "the gift of God is eternal life" (Romans 6:23); and he says Jesus will "give eternal life to as many as God gives him" (John 17:2)?

How can all men be born with immortal souls when Jesus said of any who believe on him, "I will raise him up (from death) at the last day" that he "may have everlasting life" (John 6:40)?

If both wicked and righteous are immortal from birth, did Jesus lie when He said He would "give to eat of the tree of life," that is, confer eternal life upon "him that overcomes," and "they that do His commandments" (Revelation 2:7 & 22:14)?

How can both wicked and righteous people be immortal when the Bible says that eternal life is promised only to those who “by patient continuance in well doing, do seek for glory, honor and immortality, even eternal life” (Romans 2:7)?

If the wicked and righteous are sure to live forever, why did Paul say that those who "have sinned shall perish" (Romans 2:3-12)?

If we are born with eternal life, why did Jesus say, "they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection from the dead...cannot die any more" (Luke 20:35, 36)?

How can the soul be immaterial (not seen or touched) when the Bible says the soul can "touch unclean things" (Leviticus 5:2); "tread down" other "souls" (Judges 5:21); and be "torn" and "rended into pieces" (Psalm 7:2)?

Why is it taught that the soul lives on forever without a body or any physical nourishment when the Bible declares it needs "meat to relieve the soul" (Lamentations 1:11); that being "hungry and thirsty their soul fainted" (Psalms 107:5); and that "He is faint" because "his soul has appetite (Isaiah 29:8)?

How can the soul be independent of and different from the body when God states it can "breathe" (Joshua 11:11); "eat blood" (Leviticus 17-12); "eat flesh" (Leviticus 7:20 & 17:15); has "blood" (Jeremiah 2-34); be bought "with money" (Leviticus 22:11); "do work" (Leviticus 23:30); and be put in "a pit" (Psalms 35:7)?

Why do some teach that the soul is indestructible when the Bible says that Joshua and Israel were to "utterly destroy all the souls" in Makkedah (Joshua 10:28); in Libnah (verses 29 & 30); and in several other places (verse 36 & 39); and that disobedient souls "shall be destroyed" (Acts 3:23); that even righteous David's soul could be "destroyed" (Psalms 63:9)? 

If we are born with eternal life, why did Jesus say “they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world and the resur rection from the dead (speaking of His faithful followers) cannot die any more” (Luke 20:35, 36)? 

If all good souls go immediately to heaven after death, why did Jesus tell Mary one day after His resurrection, "Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father” (John 20:17)? 

These questions are presented to challenge your beliefs and have you search the Scriptures for the answers. For additional information on this subject, request the free booklet “Do You Have An Immortal Soul?” from:


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