Love Found a Way 

Love Found a Way is the name of a beautiful hymn, but not one that is often sung at this Season.  However, these words speak of an eternal truth that is ours;  the Truth that came to earth thousands of years ago, in the Person of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


              Wonderful Love that rescued me, sunk deep in sin,

              Guilty and vile as I could be, no hope within;

              When every ray of light had fled, O, Glorious day!

              Raising my soul from out of the dead,

                             Love found a way!


             Love found a way to redeem my soul,

             Love found a way that could make me whole;

             Love sent my Lord to the Cross of shame,

             Love found a way, O, Praise His dear Name!


      There is no way to remember the birth of Jesus Christ apart from the reality of the Cross, and there is no way to live the Christian life separated from the Glory of Christ’s Resurrection and the Empty Tomb.  We serve a Risen Savior, but in order to understand the fullness of God’s Love, we must begin, not at the Cross, or at the manger, but “to the lamb slain from the foundation of the world!”  


      Listen to these glorious words from the Apostle Paul in Ephesians 3:8-12 from the NEB:  “…to me, who am less than the least of all God’s people, God gave this privilege of taking to the Gentiles the Good News of the infinite riches of Christ, and of bringing to light how this hidden purpose was to be put into effect. 


     It was hidden for long ages in God, the Creator of the universe, in order that now, through the church, the wisdom of God in all its varied forms might be made known to the rulers and authorities in the realms of heaven.  This is in accord with his age-long purpose, which he achieved in Christ Jesus our Lord.  In him we have access to God with freedom, in the confidence born of trust in him…”


     Yes!  We have eternal life because God, knowing the end from the beginning, and in His wisdom devised a marvelous plan that was not alterable by time or circumstances and was in His mind before Creation!  In due time, God sent forth His Son into the world, with the grand purpose of saving all the world of mankind from sin and  death,         


and to open up a new and living way for us to know and experience God’s love in a personal way.  With Jesus’ birth came the beginning of that fulfillment of God’s promise. 


     Only our Great God has the wisdom, power, and love to devise such a plan and only He has the fortitude to see it through to completion.  He has called us to accept His Son as our personal Savior and to be His disciple by denying self, taking up our cross and following Him, a call that extends beyond the holiness of the manger.    


     God, in His infinite wisdom, love and mercy, is in the process of molding and shaping a Bride for His Son; one that will be a living reflection of Him and fully devoted and yielded to our God and Father as He is.  Christ now lives in and through us!  Love has found a way to redeem the lost and to also bring “many sons to glory!”


     The Apostle John wrote, “In Jesus was life and the life was the Light of man.  The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it” (John 1:4, 5).  Thus, at this special season of the year, may the Light of God’s mercy and grace shine through each one of us to touch the life of someone still living in darkness!      


The fullness of time had come.

The clocks of heaven had struck.

The cup of man’s iniquity was filled

to overflowing.

But instead of thunderbolts of judgment

crashing through the skies,

As men had every reason to expect,

Angel voice filled the midnight air

With messages of peace on earth and

God’s good will toward men.


“For God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son

That whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have

Everlasting Life.”  John 3:16


As we think of this, God’s Greatest Gift to men,

We shall do well to open our hearts wide to the love of God

that found embodiment in Bethlehem’s crib.

In that love, we shall find strength to increase our love;

Our love for the Lord God, His beloved Son,

And all those for whom He came.

                                                                              ~ Selected ~