The Four Pillars of Humanism

We feel it our duty and responsibility before God to warn our readers about this movement which within 100 years hassteadily infiltrated itself into the halls of education from elementary and High Schools to our Colleges and Universities; its teaching permeates the curriculum of millions of young people all over the country who, unless taught otherwise at home and church, are growing without religion and without any moral absolutes.

Humanism claims that it is not a religion, but it is as much a religion as Communism. It is a Godless religion, which promotes materialism and indulgence in all the pleasures of life without giving a thought to the Creator or His laws as taught in Scripture.

In fact, gradually Humanism has been able to banish God, Jesus, the Bible, and prayer out of the classroom under the pretext of ‘separation of church and state,’ (even though the Bible was the main book used in schools when this law was put into effect). Humanism is ably assisted by its staunch ally, the Civil Liberties (?) Union, this while pretending to defend the civil liberties of all people, really is an enemy of God, the Bible and all religion in general. We daily read about its activities in the papers of every city and town.

We know that man without God is hopelessly lost. He is like a blind man in a dark room looking for a black cat that is not there. Man without the Bible does not know how he got here, where he is going and what the future holds for him. His scientific, philosophical and educational achievement, of which he boasts so greatly, has not even touched the real issues of life.

With all his astounding technological advances, he has not been able to turn man’s heart toward God. Yes, he can ‘bypass’ the heart, ‘transplant’ it or even give man an artificial one, but he cannot transform man’s heart or make him a ‘new creature’ as a son of God. Man is ever learning, but never able by his own effort to come to the knowledge of basic truth because of an unrepentant heart and lack of God’s Spirit to lead his life, hence his lost condition (2 Timothy 3:7). On the other hand, God’s redeemed children have this truth imbedded in their minds and lodged in their hearts.

They don’t depend on self but on God for guidance and direction in all affairs of life. Thus, they are able to face life’s issues clearly and logically for they have set their affections on things above and not on earthly temporal things (Col. 3:2).

Earthly, visible things, while real, eventually perish and pass away, but heavenly, invisible things endure forever (2 Corinthians 4:18).

There is a design and purpose in human life, planned by an all-wise God before the foundation of the world and gradually enfolding to its final but glorious end. Humanists claim that man, a product of evolution, not creation, never sinned, therefore, never needed a Savior or even a God; that his future destiny is in his own hands and intelligence. What a poor and hopeless prospect indeed. Those deluded by humanism reject the personality of Satan as well as God. According to them, Satan is a figment of religious thinking in order to keep man subject to the clergy and religion through fear. But the Bible teaches otherwise. Satan is real. We are told of his creation as a resplendent cherub full of beauty, power and wisdom, who sadly sinned against his Creator when he became filled with pride, craving the adoration and worship of men and angels which belonged to God alone. Satan lied to mother Eve, inducing her to disobey God and fall under his evil power and influence (Isa. 14:3-23; Ezek. 28:11-19; Gen. 3:1-5). Thus, Lucifer (bearer of light) became Satan, enemy of God and man. Humanists cannot explain why man dies, but the Bible gives the answer (Gen. 3:15); Humanists offer no hope of life beyond the grave, while the Bible teaches of a coming resurrection of the dead (John 5:28, 29).

Man, under the influence of Satan, has refused God’s rule over him, just like a child who, upon learning to walk, does not want to be controlled by his parents. Man boasts, “I am the captain of my ship, I am the master of my soul,” and makes his own rules regardless of God’s will for him. The present world situation is the result of such irrational thinking,

foolish boasting, and pride in man’s own power, intelligence and achievements, instead of understanding that “every good gift comes from above!” Therefore, man today finds himself surrounded by his own failures with no way out. Humanistic theology rests on four major pillars. They are:

1. Atheism which is the belief that there is no God or Creator, no Judge to whom one day every human being must give an account. The Bible speaks of such unbelievers: “The fool has said in his heart, there is no God” (Psalm 14:1; 53:1). And if there is no God there is also no perfect Son of God –Jesus – and no angels ~ just the empty, vacant universe of the Atheist.

2. Evolution follows quite naturally on the heels of the first pillar. But if there is no Creator, how does one explain the presence of fish, birds, reptiles, mammals and man himself on the face of the earth, all “after their own kind?” Humanists give evolution as the explanation that man and all living things evolved from lower life forms through billions of years to what they are today. Fantastic nonsense? Indeed! Yet today, highly educated professional educators and scientists believe and teach evolution, not as a theory but as scientific fact.

An Evolutionist logically cannot believe in the God of the Bible. Faith in God condemns and destroys this human theory of evolution. One cannot believe in both. If evolution is true, then the Biblical account of Creation is untrue - a myth, a fanciful story of something that never really happened.

This, of course, denies the fall of man from perfection into sin and death and the absolute need of a Savior.

3. Amorality is the third pillar of Humanism which naturally comes forth out of the first two. If there is no God, man is not bound by God’s law. There are no such things as good or bad. Man can make his own laws, yet he has no foundation, nothing solid on which he can build his life. All is quicksand.

Amorality means to be without morals - every man for himself to get whatever he can out of life and by all means to forget the Ten Commandments. Whatever one can get away with is okay. “Do your own thing” is their slogan, but the Bible says, “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes; but he that hearkens unto counsel is wise;” also “There is a way which seems right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death” (Proverbs 12:15; 14:12).

4. No Absolutes or forms of conduct that are eternal, unchangeable, uncontroversial, and firm as a rock. For example: the dignity, nobility and worth of man are inseparably based on the truth that God created man in His image. He breathed into him the breath of life and man became a living soul (Gen. 2:7). But if there is no God, then there was no creation; man evolved from a beast, so there is no dignity, no nobility, nor any eternal hope for man. He is just a higher order of animal being, but still only animal.

Out of such thinking comes the abortion mentality. Life is not sacred and since God did not create life, He is not to be consulted. Man alone will decide if and when an unborn child should be aborted (murdered) or live. The Author of life is out of the picture completely, and only the convenience of the prospective mother is to be consulted in this decision of life and death. If God is not consulted in terminating a pregnancy, this could lead to terminating the elderly who have “outlived their usefulness.” If there are no God-given moral standards of right and wrong, then right easily becomes wrong and wrong easily becomes right. Then, what is wrong with homosexuality, adultery, fornication, alcoholism and every kind of corruption that has invaded the home through airwaves and the printing press that now dominates this present hour in human history?

Humanistic thinking has captured and controls the minds of highly educated men as well as those who blindly follow them, including the young generation that is being taught by them. But the Apostle Paul warns in Romans 12:2, “... be not conformed to this world...” that is to say, don’t be fashioned, molded, shaped, by this world’s philosophy, for every time you turn on TV, read a newspaper or send your children to a secular school, both you and they are bombarded by the humanistic philosophy based on the theory that there is no God and anything goes if you can get away with it.

“Be not conformed to this world.” But humanistic philosophy on every hand is squeezing us so firmly that we are having difficulty in not being conformed to this world. It is so much easier to follow the crowd and avoid the criticism and scorn of our educated ‘superiors,’ thus receiving their approval that we find ourselves engaged in a first class battle for life or death.

Paul continues, “But be transformed by the renewing of your mind...” This is the secret ~ transformation! If the worldly ideas have entered into your mind, shaping your thinking, we strongly encourage you to start now the process of letting God transform you; from the inside out, just as the caterpillar climbs higher where the caterpillar life dies as he is transformed into an airborne butterfly. Rid yourself of every humanistic philosophy from every corner of your mind and let the indwelling spirit of God take over every part of your intellect and life, saturating it with the truth of the living and powerful Word of God.

We can be sure that in the end Satan will not triumph. He will be defeated, imprisoned and finally destroyed (Rev. 20:1-3. 10; Heb. 2:14). The combined forces of darkness will not succeed. God will accomplish all His purposes, and one day, when His King is reigning, “every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” ~ “And it shall come to pass, that every soul, which will not hear (obey) that Prophet (Jesus), shall be destroyed from among the people” (Phil. 2:10 11; Acts 3:21).

Our King is marching on!

Gaetano Boccaccio