
Mission Statement

Sharing worldwide a deeper understanding of the Word of God, and guidance in living a Christ-filled life.

Expanded Mission Thoughts

Our emphasis will be more active words and encouragements of evangelizing and discipling so as to encourage the new ones to come on into the wonderful relationship with God through Christ, but also then to grow them up and mature them in that relationship by being faithful, responsible and mature in all the ways in which God wants us to grow through Christ. We are not to be just separate from the ways of the world, but we are to be very active and responsible in our relationship with God through Christ, carrying his spirit and his word as a daily witness to the world in our lives so that others indeed see Christ in us.

Far too many Christians in the world today are very sad representatives of Christ, making others wonder if there is any truth or power to Christianity, as it seems to have such a weak effect on so many of  its claimed adherents.

We are here to help each sincere Christian change that image in front of the world to make it instead an image of one who is truly a copy of Christ, accepting the realities of life as they are, while still living in a way that provides all around them with the blessings and graces of one who is close to Christ and to God. We want to try to make an impact in your lives, so you can make an impact in the lives of all those around you, as you would dearly love to do, but often find yourself too weak or too alone to have the necessary courage to live as you know you should.

Most things in this life we cannot change, especially things that are at the level of government and society and world-wide finance, and even health. We do find that we are affected by these things, but that we cannot much affect them. So we have to live in such a way as to show our contentment with the life God has gifted us with, and not be fighting against it, or against the institutions or events that bring those things about in our lives. The word of God tells us that the kingdoms of this world are to continue only for a time, and in his due time, he will end them and set up his own kingdom, in which will dwell righteousness and peace and joy. We pray to have the most peace we can have in this world so that we can live our own lives, but we continue to develop as God leads us each day into becoming a copy of his Son, that by this he might qualify us for a place in the heavenly kingdom of his Son.

We look also for this world (as its present society) to pass away, and for a new world (society based only on God’s principles of righteousness) to come to power and bring life to all the willing who would turn to the perfection that God seeks for them and through this each can gain their eternal life.

Each of us has a role to play in our Christianity. As it says in Ro 6:13, we are each to be an “instrument of righteousness” in the hand of God. Find out what instrument God has called you to be. Find out what he wants you to be doing, and then submit to his controlling hand, that through you he might perform some life saving surgery on those around you; those in whose area you live; those whom he brings into your life through his providence for you!; Seek to be that instrument in his life saving hands.

Look though our site and see what in here might help you to gain the understanding and courage to want to be such an instrument, and to find the encouragement to be bold enough to move ahead and bring that into your life.

We are not looking for you to join us. We are just servants of God also, trying to be faithful to what he has put in our hands. We want only to try to help you to be that useful instrument in God’s hand in your own area, being the encouragement, help, support and inspiring witness to those around you.

And we will help you also to find ways to build up a local fellowship of similar believers if you lack such. We want this witness to the world to be in our day what Jesus commissioned to all his disciples in Mt 28:19, 20.

Come in and look around! You are most welcome to browse all over. And we strongly encourage you to put whatever questions or comments you have to us in writing at the email address cdmiquestions@gmail.com. We guarantee to answer every question as quickly and clearly as we can with scriptural clarification as we understand it. We are not here to debate theological differences but to encourage to positive Christian maturity in responsible living. And even should we not agree on all points, we still welcome your inquiry, and will give a straight and respectful answer We’ll also provide encouragement wherever it seems appropriate.

Since this site is relatively new, it is still not filled out as it will become in short order. So we encourage you to look us over now, but plan to come back, and often, and see all the new things that have been added. And each time you come, please sign our guest book, and if you have any questions or comments, please address them to our email.

We look forward to seeing how we can help you to grow and mature in Christ, so that you might live before God as you really want to do, and be found pleasing to him. This is the personal goal of everyone who works as a volunteer in this organization, and we want to share with you the things that have blessed us. We expect you to also share with us, the things that have blessed you.