
We read the story of Zaccheus in the Gospel of Luke 19:1-10. Zaccheus was a publican -- in fact he was the chief among the publicans -- and he was rich. But Zaccheus was not a happy man.

He knew the people despised and hated him because he collected taxes for the Romans and also because he overtaxed them. He knew that the Romans also despised and hated him because he was a Jew and they were not lovers of his people.

Zaccheus knew all this and it gave him an inferior complex. The fact that he was short of stature only added to his feelings of inferiority. Perhaps all his life he had been laughed at and made the butt of jokes because of his size.

It could be that he had tried to compensate for this complex by adding to his income in the belief that if he could make a pile of money he could do whatever he wanted and people would respect him because of his wealth. So often we delude ourselves by trying to find easy solutions to difficult problems. But wealth had not made him happy. The problem still remained within him.

Jesus knew the real Zaccheus -- deep down inside. He could see his true desires and needs and thus he determined to talk to him, and solve his most difficult problem. How often we ourselves miss solutions to our problems by failing to go to the Lord to seek his help and humbly accept what he prescribes.

Jesus knows where you and I are -- right now, at this moment, in the depths of our being. He knows not only what we are doing and where we are going but he knows our potential as well -- but do we? Do we really want to reach our goals? Do we want to make our contribution? Are we really longing, wishing, hoping for fulfillment and true peace? Do we really want to know who we are? We can, but not by putting on a front to make others believe we are what we are not. We can deceive some people, but we can never deceive God.

One thing we must know -- and that is that God loves us despite our sin, pretenses and selfishness. This is the good news of the Gospel, that God loved us even while we were yet sinners and this explains the full meaning of the Cross. On the Cross Jesus Christ tasted death for every human being -- even you and me. He died that we might be forgiven and delivered from the power of sin and death and have eternal life. Jesus was perfectly satisfied that you and I were worth dying for. He took the punishment which we deserved and which he did not. It is at the Cross that we find forgiveness, and complete freedom -- and it is there that we become children of God.

When Zaccheus heard the news that Jesus was coming to Jericho, he earnestly desired to see him. But being so short of stature, how could he do this in the midst of a crowd of taller people? There was only one solution; he must climb a tree to get a better view. A nearby sycamore tree offered him what he was looking for, and he climbed it.

Soon, at the turn of the road, he heard voices and before long Jesus appeared leading his disciples and a throng of friendly people. Jesus kept walking, not lifting his eyes until he reached the sycamore tree. There he stopped and looking up his eyes met those of Zaccheus. It was a dramatic encounter that took place in that moment between Jesus and Zaccheus. Here were two men of very different character, ambition, and purpose in life. They were as opposite as day is from night yet Jesus decided to seek this man out -- a publican, and a sinner who was hated and despised by all the people. If Jesus had had a holier than thou attitude, he would have surely passed him by. Jesus truly was holier than Zaccheus -- indeed, there could not even be a comparison but Jesus had also come to call sinners to repentance and salvation -- and Zaccheus was surely one in great need of these things.

“Zaccheus, come down, for I am coming to visit your house,” said Jesus. These words must have shaken Zaccheus from the top of his head to the soles of his feet. Why would the Master wish to be his guest when Jesus knew that he was hated by all the people? But the words of Jesus reached deep into his being, touched a chord which had remained untouched all his life, and now vibrated with a strange and beautiful sound. Suddenly, those words of Jesus had opened up to Zaccheus a new and incredible panorama -- a potential of unknown and incredible thing to come. Just think -- Jesus was going to be the guest at the house of the despised publican -- Zaccheus!

Zaccheus’ response to Jesus came from the center of his soul -- Lord you can have me. Quickly he climbed down from the tree, amid the astonished crowd and welcomed Jesus to his house joyfully (verse 6). Then and there an amazing thing took place. A complete reversal of Zaccheus’ personality occurred. He was no longer the cunning, selfish, greedy tax collector. The old Zaccheus was gone forever. He had had a complete transformation -- a renewing of his mind. Paul would later describe this phenomena as: old things are done away and all things have become new through the love and acceptance of Jesus.

The Scriptures declare that Zaccheus not only made restitution for his crooked ways in which he had extorted from the people but he repaid them above what he owed. He gave back to the poor four times as much as he had taken from them. This was true conversion, true repentance. It meant an about- face, a willingness to turn from what he knew to be wrong and start doing the right things. Jesus summed it all up by saying: “This day salvation has come to this house”

Does this story strike a chord in your heart? If you are still in doubt, still searching for your identity, for your true self, you can find it by inviting Jesus into your life. He is the one knocking at the door of your heart. Open it wide and invite him in. For when you receive him and make him the Lord and Master of your life, you will become the person you really want to be. All perplexing problems will disappear. You will become a new man, a new woman, the man and woman that God wants you to be.

© CDMI - Free Bible Students

Dear Lord,
Forgive me for trying so long to compensate for my stunted growth. I have expected my work and my wealth to increase my stature. Help me to see, Lord, that an increase in my stature can only come as a result of a decrease in myself -- It is in losing my life that I find it -- It is in dying that I live -- It is in giving that I receive. Thank you, Lord for giving me life in Jesus -- my precious Savior -- Amen.