God, Does He Exist

A Reporter Asks Some Questions: 

All of the wonders around you are accidental? No almighty hand made a thousand billion stars? They made themselves? No power keeps them on their courses? The earth magnified itself to keep the oceans from falling off toward the sun? Infants teach themselves to cry when they are hungry or hurt? A small flower invented itself so that we could extract digitalis for sick hearts?

The top few inches of our land just happen to have topsoil without which we would have no vegetables to eat, no grass for the animals whose meat is our food? No one put oil just deep enough in the earth to keep until we need it? The wind which carries the delicate seedling to a fertile place was devised by us? The inexhaustible envelope of air - only 50 miles deep - and of exactly the right density to support human life - is just another law of physics?

But who invented physics? Who made the bank deposits of coal, zinc, iron and uranium inside the earth? Nobody? Is it all just another priceless accident? Who showed a voice how to fly through the air on a radio wave? How does the picture leave the antenna, move through the air in hundreds of dots, and come into millions of homes in precisely the right order to produce a picture?

Why does the earth spin at a given speed without ever slowing up, so that we have night and day? Who tilts it so that we have seasons? Without the magnetic North Pole, man would be unable to navigate the trackless oceans of water and air - but it just grew there? Even though no one knows what it is?

How about the sugar thermostat below the human pancreas? It maintains a level of sugar in the human blood sufficient for energy, but without it all of us would fall into a coma and die. No one created it? The sun stokes a fire just warm enough to sustain us on earth, but not hot enough to fry us, or cold enough to kill us. Who keeps the fire constant? The special healing rays emitted by the sun - who knows?

Who makes a light bulb light? Electricity? What is it? Who shows it how to travel at lightning speed, make right angle turns and twists on a piece of wire without falling off? By the way, what is light? There is no light in 4000 fathoms of water, and the fish living there have no eyes. Who invented needless eyes?

A young bird will migrate from Canada to Australia - who showed it what course, what speed, and why it must do it? Swallows return on a given day - what calendar do they use? Man has a conscience. No other animal has. Who engineered this? And who put the medicines in herbs and weeds. Penicillin was found on a moldy plate. Who told Dr. Fleming not to throw away the plate? No one? He was just curious?

Where did the first seeds come from for the first tree so that we would have shelter? Did someone devise fire to keep us warm? For countless centuries in countless places, the forest vegetation perpetuated itself without man’s help. Why did it not die of blight and flame and neglect?

Clouds bring rain and shade. Who taught them how to vaporize, and pick up fresh water, and carry it to places which need it? Is snow just a winter decoration? Or does it sit on mountain tops waiting for the warm spring to melt it into rains needed for the streams and farms below? A very lovely accident? And why does it melt at just the right time for the young crops to drink? A salmon will swim upstream to produce its babies, and then die, and it will jump up fish ladders to do it. How does a salmon know that we need more salmon? Why does a pregnant eel at Hawaii swim all the way to Bermuda to give birth to little eels? Who teaches a house dog to tear up strips of paper into a fluffy pile  for puppies about to be born?

The human heart will beat for 70 or 80 years without faltering - how does it get sufficient restbetween beats? A kidney will filter poison from the blood and leave good things alone. How does it  know one from the other? Who gave the human tongue flexibility to form words, and a brain to understand them, but denied it to all other animals?

Illness has specific symptoms - why this warning? Why not illnesses with identical symptoms? Who showed a womb how to take the love of two persons and keep splitting a tiny ovum until, in due time, a baby would have the proper number of fingers, eyes, ears, feet, toes and hair in the right places, and come into the world when it is strong enough to sustain life? WHO?

Was it all accidental? There is no GOD?

Jim Bishop, Baltimore News-Post

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