
Is homosexuality a choice, or are homosexuals born that way?

Research indicates that homosexuality is a very complex issue. It is a condition that scientists refer to as being “multifactorial” – that is, there are many factors that can contribute to its development. Some of the factors involved include:

A. Genetics: it is clear from research that certain genes which have been identified do contribute to the expression of the condition. Several studies have been done with identical as well as fraternal twins. It is significant that there is a higher “concordance” among identical twins than among fraternal twins. That is to say that if an identical twin is gay or lesbian, the probability of his/her brother or sister being homosexual is around 60%. There is a concordance of only 30% among fraternal twins. This data indicates that genetics is a strong factor but not the only factor. If homosexuality was purely genetic, we would expect a concordance of 100% among identical twins since they share identical DNA (genes).

B. Hormones: an imbalance in certain hormones can have a strong influence on the sexual development of the fetus.

C. Immunological factors: since the immune system of a mother is affected by the baby she carries for nine months, changes in the immune system can have major effects on the development of the child. What scientists refer to as “fraternal birth order effect” is based on the fact that in families with several children there is a greater probability of the development of homosexuality in children further down the birth order than there is in the first or second child.

D. Neurological factors: on occasion a woman will say that she feels as though she is a “male trapped in a female body”, or a man will say he feels like he is a “woman trapped in a male body”. In these instances, the perception of the brain (formed early in development) is in disagreement with the genetic gender of the individual.

Each of the four factors considered here have profound effects on the sexual development of the fetus. The fetus has no “choice” in the matter since these are errors in the developmental process. The only reasonable conclusion is, therefore, that homosexuality is an inborn condition and not a matter of choice.

With that said, what should be our response to those who say that the Bible condemns homosexuals? First of all it is imperative that we make a clear distinction between homosexual orientation (which is inborn) and homosexual behavior or practice (which is a choice). Scripture clearly condemns homosexual practice, not homosexual orientation. In Apostle Paul’s first letter to the church at Corinth he says: “Do you not know that the unrighteous (note: other translations say “..those that practice unrighteousness…”) will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.” 1 Corinthians 6:9-11

It is important to notice that in this passage of Scripture, Paul places equal culpability on all ten of the aberrant behaviors he lists. One is not worse than the other because all are the result of the fall in the Garden of Eden. Secondly, Paul makes it clear that some of the Saints in the church at Corinth were previously involved in such unrighteous practices. Thirdly and most importantly, he reveals how they overcame such ungodly behavior through the all-encompassing grace of God; the sanctifying power of the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ; and the unlimited and supreme power of the Holy Spirit. It is only through our loving Heavenly Fathers’ amazing grace that any of us are qualified to be members of His kingdom!