Overtaken in a fault

Each of us has been overtaken in a fault at some time in our life. And with each of us, it has happened more than just once. In fact, it is our constant companion to one degree or another, in one area or another. The fault may be an unintended mistake, a careless comment, a slip in a weak moment, a permitted consideration of something wrong, or a purposeful entering into some temptation. Thus the “fault” can be anything from the simplest mistake to a purposeful sin. The fault may be thoughts, words or actions, and it may be in areas of responsibility, respect, or moral values for self or others.

Most of us are embarrassed enough when we alone realize we’ve done wrong. If someone else sees it, we are the more embarrassed, especially if we know the person, or expect to see them again. Even more of a problem than this for most people is when someone comes to give them some advice concerning one of their “faults”. Such approaches can provoke quick and strong reaction from many people, even when not presented as a criticism, but as a desire to help. This is due to any even greater embarrassment reaction that the fault is out in the open. It is also due to the self-pride reaction that I don’t need such advice from anyone, and to the self-defense reaction that they have no right to do such a thing. Once such a reaction occurs, whether of vocal defense, or of quiet withdrawal and separation, the situation has just deteriorated for both parties involved. Such are difficult to overcome.

But should we Christians allow ourselves to automatically have such reactions when someone tries to help us overcome a fault? Whether it is one our brethren coming to us, or someone from the world, have we a “right” to such a reaction? What do the scriptures say?

“Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.” Prov 27:6. Faithful are the criticisms of a friend because they are for our good, but the compliments of an enemy are not to be trusted.

“He who turns a sinner from the error of his ways, will save a soul from death, and cover a multitude of sins.” Js 5:20. If we are able to help someone in their walk to purity, we not only benefit them, but we also cover a multitude of sins within us. The same applies when they try to help us.

We should all want to have our faults addressed and corrected that we can be found more pleasing to God. “Create in me a clean heart O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me” Psa 51:10. “Who can understand his own errors? Cleanse me from secret faults.” Psa 19:12. If these cleansings do not come directly from God, but rather from someone He has sent, does it make them any less correct?

We should also recognize that we have a responsibility to each other. We as Christians are commanded to love one another as Christ loved us. This agape love is doing for the other what God wants done in every situation. Certainly helping one to overcome faults is an important situation in which God wants us to be involved. But if love is not the motive, the situation should not be addressed. Only if love is the motive should it be addressed, and then it can also become the goal and result. Anything less is selfserving, leading to pride and even arrogance.

We must approach such situations only with the intent of blessing the brother or sister in what we are about to discuss. We need to help them understand that what we are doing is for their eternal good, according to the word of God. And here we need to present scriptures that speak to the point of the problem, and not such as we think give us the “right” to “correct” others.

Galatians 6:1 speaks directly to the situation. “Brethren, if you see your brother overtaken in a fault, you who are more spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of meekness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted.”

We need to be with our brethren to observe them “overtaken in a fault”.

We may be “more spiritual” in this particular point, but they may be more spiritual than us in other areas. We all are subject to different temptations, so none can claim more spirituality in all things. If we see the fault in them, this is our moment of responsibility to help them in love. The next may be their moment to help us. Shouldn’t we do for them now, as we would want them to do for us then?

Being “in a spirit of meekness” when we approach such a situation, assures that we are not self-seeking. Our motives must be purely for the good of the other. (Ro 15:1, 2)

“Considering ourselves” also helps to keep us meek, that we don’t gain a pride in this and thus fall into our own temptation.

It is to be the goal of each of us to be made clean and whole. (Psa 51:10)
We also have a responsibility for each other in this. It is not a choice. (Gal 6:1)
Let us exercise Christian love in this, whether we are giving or receiving. (Ro 15:1,2)
Let us help each other when overtaken in a fault that God may be glorified in our love for each other.

J. Knapp ©CDMI